Who will be the MCU “Big Bad” after Thanos?

Where does the Marvel Cinematic Universe go after current Big Bad, Thanos?



Since the End credit scene at the end of the first Avengers movie, and the teaser of Thanos.

The Mad Titan has been one of the driving forces of the MCU, pulling the strings. All in his quest to collect the Infinity Stones, to complete the Infinity Gauntlet.

4 of the possible 6 stones have been located and Thanos has one of the two seen Gauntlets (the other being in Odin’s Vault). So in the next few years we have to locate the Soul gem and the Time gem.



With the Release dates being set for the upcoming Marvel movies up to Avengers Infinity War Part 1 and 2, (May 4th 2018 and May 3rd 2019) we have an idea of where its going until then. Where does Kevin Feige and Co go after the Mad Titan.

So after a bit of backstory, I will explain the 2 choices I feel would be best on screen and more importantly a threat for the AVENGERS.

Personally I don’t think that the Full slate and release dates should ever have been made public, this should have stayed secret in the Marvel offices.

The line up has already changed to make room for the Sony/Marvel Untitled Spiderman picture (July 7th 2017) and the Sequel the Last years Ant-Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp (July 6th 2018) .

I feel this has perhaps painted Marvel into a corner, what happens if Doctor Strange is a massive hit?

Doesn’t Strange get a second movie? or do we have to shuffle around the release dates on our iPhone all over again?

Doctor Strange is going to be a hit for the record, Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man have gone to prove that fans have faith in the Marvel brand and will see lesser-known heroes.

Iron Man wasn’t exactly the A Team of Marvels characters when he helped launch the MCU, and save RDJ’s career, spawning 2 other solo outings.

Ok Iron Man 2 was not the best movie ever and Iron Man 3 wasted the Mandarin but they still were Green lit.

If the House of Mouse and Marvel use Ditkos Trippy style in the Marvel this could be the most colourful, vivid and beautiful film from the MCU. Guardians of the Galaxy had a bright vivid pallet, which suited and helped sell the Comic side of the Universe. The Promotional images have only been of the Sorcerer Supreme and not any other dimension. However what we have seen of Strange is great. IMG_0668

Come on, that’s Doctor Strange in all his magical mystical glory, maybe add some grey at the temples.

Scott Derrickson would be missing a trick if he didn’t even consider using Ditkos Art as a jumping off point.

Now full disclosure I do know people, my girlfriend being one, who are a bit put off by this casting. I know his performance for Star Trek: Into Darkness, was polarising. I feel the problem with the film was the big reveal.

It was the worse keep secret surrounding the production, this wasn’t the Actors fault.

Benedict built on the Original Timelines character, and made him a more rounded character.

Benedict Cumberbatch is a skilled actor, capable of great performances and a die hard fan base. Cumberbatchs fan have already shown they will follow him to the Box Office of genre pieces like Star Trek: Into Darkness and The Hobbit movies.

Ok so I know this is meant to be about Who is next to Challenge the Avengers after Thanos?

I am very building up Doctor Strange, because it could very important post Thanos. One of the most powerful entities in the books is Dormammu, a Strange foe.


Dormammu is a Faltine, a race of Higher Dimensional Energy Beings, ruler of the Dark Dimension and the person who could challenge Earths Mightiest Heroes after Thanos.


Dormammu originated in Strange Tales #126 (Nov 1964) created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.

Strange has doesn’t have nice thing to say about Dormammu “A threat to the life of the universe itself” and “At full power no-one could stand against”. Sounds interesting right, oh just keep reading old chums.

His powers could make for some interesting Battles with the Avengers in what ever form they take after Infinity War part 1 and 2.

As a Interdimensional creature made of mystical energy, he can use almost any power he wants; Matter manipulation, Oh Yeah.

Resizing, energy projection, teleportation, necromancy, Not a problem.

Any dead Avenger, and I am sure after Infinity War, there may be a few, could be revived as a servant of Dormammu. Scarlet Witch facing her brother, would be a fight I would like to see.

Creating demon lords, bestowing powers on others and possession. See Dormammu doesn’t fuck about, he means business.IMG_0669

If the MCU allow him all these powers it could spell trouble for the Avengers.

Or Marvel could tinker with the powers in someway.

Another good way to challenge the team would be if Dormammu could create possessed copies of the Avengers, like a Dark version of the heroes.

This would give each of the roster a challenge in the form of their own dark avatar. As well as possessing any and all of the Avengers greatest foes. This could even be a way to use the Cancerverse, maybe changing the name or something similar.

Dormammu in the Comics is incredibly patient, waiting until the perfect moment to make his move.

It could be possible that he is already nearing the end of his plan by the time he comes into the spotlight.

Which means he could be established in the Doctor Strange Movie, Thor: Ragnorok or even in the Avengers movie, as someone Thanos encounters in his plan but can’t control.

It could even be Thanos who brings Dormammu attention to Earth, or Thanos doesn’t even know he is part of Dormammu’s plot?

The Faltine is also shown as very intelligent and well versed in the Mystical Arts, but also arrogant. This could bring some good moments amongst Doctor Strange, Dormammu and a more cocky member of The Avengers

Another choice for the Big Bad spot is MODOK;


MODOK (Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing), first appeared fully in Tales of Suspense #94 ( October 1967).

Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, and is able to work out the probability of any event with such a slim margin of error, it borders on Precognition.


He could use this to make a plan that relies on the individual Heroes actually winning, but forcing unforeseen consequences.

Imagine Civil War level shit that is all part of the plan which is only revealed when its too late.

Able to memorise massive amount of Data, and really good at math. Basically its an Evil Stephen Hawking. He could have access to everything on the Avengers and use it against them.

So what can MODOK do, well with such a massive brain comes one hell of a head. MODOKs head is so big that he has to have an Exo-Skeleton and Hoover chair to get around.

He also has access to all of AIMs’ latest weapons, some built into his floaty chair, as well as AIMs private Army. Ok some AIM has already been used in Iron Man 3, but maybe some of it went underground to rebuild alá Hydra.

Psionic powers, which can create force field that can stop a small Nuke. No doubt that could bother a Hulk of any colour.

And he can focus his mental powers into a beam from his head,

IGN rated MODOK in their Top 100 Comic book villains, of all time at the respectable 100.

Ok so this is not the greatest Villain in the History of Comics, its not Joker Level but with the power MODOK has could be a great Antagonist for the Future Avengers team.

Oh yeah, MODOK has also build a massive body, which he got in. This thing was so big , it made his head proportional to use. So would give the team something large to fight against in one of the large set pieces.

Modok in the Comics is vicious, cruel, smart and above all persistent, having held grunges and battled almost everyone in his history.

Having major stories with Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Red Hulk, Red She-Hulk, Ms Marvel, Vision. Even Challenging Thor, who brought the hammer down pretty quick.

I don’t like this idea as much as Dormammu, who I think could make for a better villain.

Who else could there be, here’s some of the other options;


  • A Returning Red Skull (played by a different actor, easily explained away), with resurgent Hydra.
  • IMG_0291

Marvel could even do a series of films all with the prefix Hydra War, Where each character having to fight an individual Hydra threat and come together to fight Red Skull.

Of course this relies of Steve Rogers being Captain America, It could well be Bucky behind the shield after Infinity War. Otherwise the emotional impact would be wasted.

“Oh yeah, Our Friend hated you, Boo Hiss” doesn’t have the same drama as Cap/Red Skull.

  • In a bold move, due to misunderstanding in the solo films The Inhumans, in not a Big Bad move. Simply they feel they have no option but to Fight the Avengers.

Marvel are no stranger to having popular teams facing off, in fact they love it.


Could this really be something they could do? Of course, this is the year of Civil War, but would Avengers v Inhumans maybe too soon, this could also depend the success of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

    • Perhaps the events of Infinity War cause a Re-set of the Universe and every reboots with the Inhumans being the first film in the new timeline. Meaning Actors can be recast, popular actors could return, pricier actors can be recast.

I don’t think this is a good idea, but it is certainly an option Disney could look at.

X-Men: Days of Future Past, reconfigured the timeline and did away with aspects that like didn’t want, need or like. Whether this worked or not we will see in X-Men: Age of Apocalypse (release date), but I think it may have. With only slight mocking from Deadpool, but you can’t listen to him.


Disney would always have Fans annoyed if say Paul Rudd was Ant Man, but Iron Man wasn’t RDJ. Geeks and Nerds would melt the internet blogging their mindless opinions, like I am.

At least we may get a decent Mandarin one day.

  • My Final outlandish theory is The Mandarin IMG_0675

No, not Trevor Slattery. The real deal, 10 Rings Mandarin.

So that’s where they could go, but who knows I’m not MODOK. I am probably wrong about everything, but its nice to dream.


As always any feedback, hit me up via Social Media.







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